Services Reopened and Streaming Live
PLEASE JOIN US ONLINE or in person at our church-- We have reopened! Service Begin at 11:00am On Sundays at 11AM. .
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to allow us to continue to fellowship in this time of trial.
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If you feel led to give in this way, you may send your gift to: P.O. Box 734 Pflugerville, Tx 78691
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Take US 79 to FM 685 at Hutto High. On FM 685 go south toward Pflugerville. Turn left (east) onto Kelly Lane at the Toll 130/Toll 45 interchange. From Kelly Lane continue east on Kelly Lane until it ends at Weiss Lane. Turn left (north) onto Weiss Lane. The road will curve to the right. At the curve turn left (north) onto Hodde Lane. Our Church is just up Hodde Lane on the right.
From The South (Pflugerville, Austin, etc.)
Take FM 1825 to FM 685 at Hutto High. On FM 685 go north toward Hutto. Turn right (east) onto Kelly Lane at the Toll 130/Toll 45 interchange. From Kelly Lane continue east on Kelly Lane until it ends at Weiss Lane. Turn left (north) onto Weiss Lane. The road will curve to the right. At the curve turn left (north) onto Hodde Lane. Our Church is just up Hodde Lane on the right.
6.26 “Overcoming Sin – Beware of the World!”

1 John 2:12-17 I. Who is this for? v.12-14II. What You Love Matters v.15III. Temptation Sources v.16-17 Have you ever gotten into a traffic accident and had it ruin your entireday? There are things in this life that target themselves at destroyingyour Christian walk and the world is one of them. Today we are going todiscuss both how to be aware of it and how to overcome it. I how youwill join us!
6.19 “How to Be a Great Father!”
6.12 “Experiencing Eternal Life”

1 John 2:1-11 I. Why He is Writing v.1-2II. Evidence of Salvation v.3-6III. The Coming Change v.7-11 What is the most exciting thing you have ever done that you couldn’twait to tell your friends and family about? When you have an amazingexperience you can’t help but tell people about it. Today we are talkingabout experiencing salvation. I hope you will join us!
5.8 “Motherhood Lessons From Mary”

Luke 1:46-50; Luke 2:8-20 I. Mary Was Humble Luke 1:46-48II. Mary Knew God Luke 1:49-50III. Mary Was Moved by God Luke 2:8-20There are a million things that go with being a mother today, but Mary’scharacter gives us insight into what is important if you are going to be agreat mother! I hope you will join us and discover some motherhoodlessons from Mary!
5.1 “Spiritual Awareness”

I. Be Encouraged v.1-3 II. You Know the Way v.4-5 III. Jesus is All You Need v.6 Have you ever wondered what God is up to around you? Many people have sought to discover how the hand of God was moving. The key to understanding this is to be spiritually aware. I hope you will join us and learn how you can participate in what God is up to!
4.17 “The Heart of Jesus for Easter”

Isaiah 6:1-4, Philippians 2:5-11, Matthew 28:1-7 I. What Jesus Left Isaiah 6:1-4II. Why Jesus Came Philippians 2:5-11III. What Jesus Did Matthew 28:1-7It can sometimes be difficult to see a situation from someone else’sperspective. However today that is exactly what we are going to attemptto do as we study the heart of Jesus for Easter. I hope you will join us!